It is hard to grasp what 4000 books looks like when they are neatly stacked floor to ceiling in your basement. Everyone who sees them for the first time gasps. It is a lot of boxes. In the months following their arrival, walking through the canyon created by these mountains/towers of books several times a day was not a source of pleasure. As I struggled to get Growing More Beautiful launched, running into roadblocks at every turn, the mute boxes only served to remind me of my naiveté. What had I been thinking?
Clearly such an attitude would not do. Then it hit me: The drab demeanor of the cardboard boxes needed some color. So I invited my friends over to help me decorate them. My gang arrived and began to festoon. They strung crepe paper, dangled ribbons, and sprinkled glitter, creating a giddy, joyous celebration. It totally changed how I felt about my book box canyon. Now when I walk past I no longer see the books as a monument to my naiveté but instead a testament to my courage. I think of the joy of festooning as the first step towards the joy that Growing More Beautiful will ultimately bring to those who read it.
I recommend festooning anywhere you feel stuck – tie ribbons on your bathroom scale, hang tinsel from your computer monitor, decorate your checkbook, festoon photos of loved ones who are having a difficult time. Bring color, positive attention, and a festive party atmosphere to any area in your life that could use a little help – and then stand back and watch what happens!
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